Friday, August 12, 2011


My Moo cards came in and they look amazing! The text is a bit small, but I'll fix it in the next batch. To those who asked: totally satisfied.

Back to pinning art on Pinterest...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Traveling Thoughts Projects

The last few months I've been listening to my best friend excitedly drone on about her desire to buy a sketchbook, send it out to a bunch of people, and see what comes back. Just recently she decided to make the project happen and I'm very excited for her and curious to see what it turns up. The basic premise is 1) send out a book with a tracking number, 2) allow said person to do "something" with a page 3) send the book (along with tracking number) to the next person on the list 4) eventually it goes back to it's original destination.

If you're interested check out and/or her blog post on the matter here.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pt. 2

I decided on a redesign for the front of the card:

Not bad?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


For some reason it has been really difficult to multitask job/freelance/self-promotion/MAKE ART. I'm always doing at least one. Today I've been working on self-promotion/moo cards (with help of graphic design extraordinaire Miranda Means:

Maybe a Facebook page next? eeh.

In other news I just ordered a new IR remote (to go with the shiny new D7000....). As an art student 'self-portrait' is something that usually comes up... a couple times a semester. So of course my first inclination is somehow to go back to that. I think every artist has the urge to turn the lens/brush/tool inward and openly explore themselves from time to time. As for me, it's something I don't feel I've ever done well and I could use a good challenge. 

I'm wrapping up Desperation to ship to San Antonio later this week. I'm so super excited about this show! 

Oh yeah and there were some website updates...